Seanna has her own big comfy bed underneath the dining room table, but recently she's been noticing how much Clementine loves to leave her own bed and cram herself into Tahlia's little doughnut bed. So Seanna has decided that it must be soooo much nicer than her own! She gave me so many smiles as I watched her wiggling this way and that, and turning herself inside out so that she'd fit, that I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and taking these pics of her. Hmmmnnn......well, I've got my front half in the bed, but it's not all that comfy... Whatcha looking at? I know exactly what I'm doing....I think.... Maybe I'll try this... no, that doesn't really work. Hmmmn......well, now I've got the other end in, but where does my head go? Ahhhhh! NOW I'm getting the hang of it! I knew I could, I knew I could. Nite nite zzzzzzzzzzzz
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January 2019