Influential Sires in the Rutlands Breeding Program
Rutlands Redd Zenith
- Big Standard Red Wavy Fleece Male
Rutlands Ava x Rutlands Redd Baron
Rutlands Ava x Rutlands Redd Baron
Zenith-a magnificent dog with a gentle spirit quite wonderful in one so large. Intuitive and sensitive, a quick learner and eager to please. By six months of age he was able to identify 21 names on flash cards.
A goofy comical clown of a boy and yet so gentle that the youngest child was totally safe around him and could lead him on a string of silk. Grandson of Rutlands Kelby, his blood continues its influence producing amongst the sweetest therapy and assistance dog bloodlines in the world today.
A goofy comical clown of a boy and yet so gentle that the youngest child was totally safe around him and could lead him on a string of silk. Grandson of Rutlands Kelby, his blood continues its influence producing amongst the sweetest therapy and assistance dog bloodlines in the world today.
Zenith's 6mths old report from his Diabetic Alert Assistance Dog placement - re printed with permission
From: Gail Armstrong
Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 3:27 PM
To: Beverley Manners;
Subject: I shopped yesterday with the perfect assistance dog.
Yesterday was a big day for Zenith. He went to the groomers and his behavior was exceptional. Afterwards, we left the groomer and Zenith heeled perfectly at my side, he did not lag what so ever. He did automatic stands and sat at the first verbal command next to my leg. He dropped wherever he was told. He remained steady at all times. He did glance around a few times but when I said watch me he focused in on my face. He really was exceptional. He drove home in my girlfriends car and didn't move, the perfect passenger.
Then later the same day he went to our first large Westfields. Well Zenith walked as close to the scooter as possible. He stayed in a perfect position. Once again he keep to the speed I was going, whether a crawl or spritely. He took everything in his stride.
Then I left him with my scooter, while I stood at the prescription counter for over 5 mins. He could see me but the distance was approx. 5 metres. People approached him and patted him but he kept focused on me and did not flinch.
I offered another stay command before moving out of sight to a crowed check out counter. On coming out of the store he was still in his original position although he was excited to see me, he still remained on the scooter. I asked him to remain seated while we drove around the centre being extremely patient.
In the shops he did not sniff or show interest in anything on the shelf's he sat and waited at counters. All Like a pro. He could of passed any public access test under any certifier.
I was literally blown away by his performance with so little experience.
From: Gail Armstrong
Sent: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 3:27 PM
To: Beverley Manners;
Subject: I shopped yesterday with the perfect assistance dog.
Yesterday was a big day for Zenith. He went to the groomers and his behavior was exceptional. Afterwards, we left the groomer and Zenith heeled perfectly at my side, he did not lag what so ever. He did automatic stands and sat at the first verbal command next to my leg. He dropped wherever he was told. He remained steady at all times. He did glance around a few times but when I said watch me he focused in on my face. He really was exceptional. He drove home in my girlfriends car and didn't move, the perfect passenger.
Then later the same day he went to our first large Westfields. Well Zenith walked as close to the scooter as possible. He stayed in a perfect position. Once again he keep to the speed I was going, whether a crawl or spritely. He took everything in his stride.
Then I left him with my scooter, while I stood at the prescription counter for over 5 mins. He could see me but the distance was approx. 5 metres. People approached him and patted him but he kept focused on me and did not flinch.
I offered another stay command before moving out of sight to a crowed check out counter. On coming out of the store he was still in his original position although he was excited to see me, he still remained on the scooter. I asked him to remain seated while we drove around the centre being extremely patient.
In the shops he did not sniff or show interest in anything on the shelf's he sat and waited at counters. All Like a pro. He could of passed any public access test under any certifier.
I was literally blown away by his performance with so little experience.