We've had some lovely Autumn weather here in Australia lately, with warm sunny days stirred by gentle breezes. I'm hoping it holds for a little while longer, when it's time soon to get the puppies outside for awhile each day. But for now they're snuggled up inside and are growing more beautiful with every passing day.
Our second youngest of the Kids Team is five years old and already a keen animal lover. For the sake of privacy we'll call her 'Gem' but that's not her real name. It's precious to see Gem ever so gently cuddling the puppies. One by one, she holds them up to her face and they snuffle and nibble with their tiny gums on her chin. The wrapt expression on her face is so heart stirring. Gem has named each of the puppies and she is eagerly waiting for them to be old enough to play with her. Comments are closed.
January 2019