The High Price of Success in a Cut Throat Dog World
Rutland Manor Australian Labradoodle breeding dogs are recognized as the finest in the world and have been selectively bred over two decades specifically for their sweetly intuitive and non aggressive natures, soundness and health and beautiful non shedding coats. Over the years several individuals and groups have gone to extreme measures trying to get hold of my breeding dogs by illegal or immoral means. Most of these attempts have failed. But the most recent , I believe was a carefully constructed plan that completely took me by surprise because I implicitly trusted Twyla and Mike Pyles in Texas and their alleged accomplice Kate Pappas from California.
22 Rutland Manor breeding dogs were sent on LEASE to Twyla and Mike Pyles in Texas in January 2010 with a view to them inheriting the dogs when I retired, became infirm or died whichever happened first. I did not 'abandon' my dogs at any time. When I refused to sign them over free and immediately to the Pyles, they removed me from their property where my dogs were kept and refused me any further access. My dogs were taken hostage by Twyla and Mike Pyles for a ransom of $137,000.00.
I borrowed $34,000.00 to ship my dogs to Twyla in Texas and subsequently paid another $22,000.00 in commissions for puppies sold from Texas from my own wait list. I spent ten weeks with Twyla and Mike intending to mentor them as they knew very little about breeding dogs. I did not mentor them because they procrastinated from signing the Lease Agreement. Within days of accepting approximately $22,000.00 from me from sale of puppies from Rutland Manor's waiting list, as per our lease agreement, Mike and Twyla stood before me and demanded that I sign my dogs over to them. When I refused, they served me with a lien on 25th June 2010 while I was seriously ill in the hotel in which they abandoned me in in Dallas.
My Texas Lawer's letter of response to the Pyles' Notice of a Lien served on me in The Country Inn Hotel in Dallas on 25th June 2010
22 Rutland Manor breeding dogs were sent on LEASE to Twyla and Mike Pyles in Texas in January 2010 with a view to them inheriting the dogs when I retired, became infirm or died whichever happened first. I did not 'abandon' my dogs at any time. When I refused to sign them over free and immediately to the Pyles, they removed me from their property where my dogs were kept and refused me any further access. My dogs were taken hostage by Twyla and Mike Pyles for a ransom of $137,000.00.
I borrowed $34,000.00 to ship my dogs to Twyla in Texas and subsequently paid another $22,000.00 in commissions for puppies sold from Texas from my own wait list. I spent ten weeks with Twyla and Mike intending to mentor them as they knew very little about breeding dogs. I did not mentor them because they procrastinated from signing the Lease Agreement. Within days of accepting approximately $22,000.00 from me from sale of puppies from Rutland Manor's waiting list, as per our lease agreement, Mike and Twyla stood before me and demanded that I sign my dogs over to them. When I refused, they served me with a lien on 25th June 2010 while I was seriously ill in the hotel in which they abandoned me in in Dallas.
My Texas Lawer's letter of response to the Pyles' Notice of a Lien served on me in The Country Inn Hotel in Dallas on 25th June 2010

the_law_firm_of_james_stanton_your_client_michaerl_pyles.pdf |
The following document is a list of the Rutland manor Australian Labradoodles held for ransom and then stolen by Twyla and Mike Pyles in Texas. The document lists the dogs' names, descriptions and Australian microchip numbers.

rutland_manor_australian_labradoodles_stolen_in_texas_usa.pdf |
My dogs are microchipped with the 16 digit numbered Standard International System required in Australia, but which is different to the one used in America.
Many USA vets do not have the scanners to read the numbers. If you are offered a breeding dog please ask for his or her DNA profile number (onlyRutland Manor in Australia and the laboratory have these numbers) and ask to have the dog's microchip scanned for the International system. The scanners used by many vets in the United States will only read the new USA system microchip that may have been implanted to hide the dogs' true identity. Please do not reward the shocking dishonesty of these people by purchasing my dogs from them. No venture from these dogs will be blessed nor prosper.
Many USA vets do not have the scanners to read the numbers. If you are offered a breeding dog please ask for his or her DNA profile number (onlyRutland Manor in Australia and the laboratory have these numbers) and ask to have the dog's microchip scanned for the International system. The scanners used by many vets in the United States will only read the new USA system microchip that may have been implanted to hide the dogs' true identity. Please do not reward the shocking dishonesty of these people by purchasing my dogs from them. No venture from these dogs will be blessed nor prosper.
SURPRISE SURPRISE! Within a few weeks of my return to Australia, following the theft my my dogs, Charlotte McGrath, of Tamaruke Labradoodles breeding kennels, traveled from Australia to America to meet with the Pyles.
The Pyles and Charlotte McGrath of Tamaruke now operate an extensive Labradoodle breeding operation in Texas under the banner TAMARUKE USA.
WITHIN A COUPLE OF WEEKS OF THE HEIST, AND ONCE I WAS BACK IN AUSTRALIA, TWYLA PYLES REVEALED ON HER CHAT PAGE 'DOODLE WORLD' THAT SHE WAS FRIENDS WITH DEBRA TRANTER, THE EXTREME ANIMAL ACTIVIST FROM Animal Liberation Victoria who has been instrumental along with paid stooges, in fueling the ongoing hate campaign with lies against Rutland Manor.
The article below is a public post Kate Pappas made about how wonderful it was to be staying at Rutland Manor for three weeks and how well cared for my dogs were; a stark contrast to the vicious turnaround in very public postings once my dogs were in her friend Twyla's hands. Surely no one actually believes Kate's explanation for the turnaround from 'love' to 'hate' as being that I 'cast spells on her????' Really. Kate exposes a dark side of her nature in posts she publishes under the alias "Harmonie Goldman".

kate_pappas__post_sept_09_what_its_like_to_live_at_rutland_manor.pdf |
The worst kind of cruelty

My beloved Jag. His left hind leg swollen from an aggressive bone cancer
Kate Pappas posts on hate websites under one of her aliases "Harmonie Goldman". The cruelty of this lady's nature is evident in this post of hers where she states that I put down what she claims was my 'perfectly healthy' Rottie called "Jag". Jag was diagnozed with an aggressive bone cancer at just 5 years of age and I had to make the heartbreaking decision to ease him of his pain as there was nothing the vet could do for him. In March 2010 just before I left for Texas, my wonderful vet came to my home and with two staff members and myself, we held a service for Jag and he was laid to rest in my lounge room with the music playing that he listened to with me every night in my bedroom.
For four years Kate Pappas has posted glowing reports about her wonderful Rutlands dog 'Yarra - Queen of All Things" NOW she is handing out cards to the public which say both her dogs, Yarra and Yindi are RESCUE DOGS. On her cards she also has the links to the hate websites that defame myself andRutland Manor.
Kate Pappas' Lies: Posted on Doodle Zoo that her Rutlands female "Yindi's" litter are all sick dogs, and that one of the puppies has died. NOT TRUE.! "Andie" aka "Spirit" now named "Moxie" in her new home, is hale hearty and well. Kate did forget though to tell anyone that I let her have Yindi before paying for her, as Kate told everyone at RM (including visitors) that she and her husband were bankrupt and would probably lose their home.....something she denies on public forums. More lies! She has never paid me for Yindi and the $200 I raised for IDOGS and gave to Kate Pappas mysteriously disappeared. I have emails from IDOG saying they have no record of it being passed onto them. Hmmmn.
For four years Kate Pappas has posted glowing reports about her wonderful Rutlands dog 'Yarra - Queen of All Things" NOW she is handing out cards to the public which say both her dogs, Yarra and Yindi are RESCUE DOGS. On her cards she also has the links to the hate websites that defame myself andRutland Manor.
Kate Pappas' Lies: Posted on Doodle Zoo that her Rutlands female "Yindi's" litter are all sick dogs, and that one of the puppies has died. NOT TRUE.! "Andie" aka "Spirit" now named "Moxie" in her new home, is hale hearty and well. Kate did forget though to tell anyone that I let her have Yindi before paying for her, as Kate told everyone at RM (including visitors) that she and her husband were bankrupt and would probably lose their home.....something she denies on public forums. More lies! She has never paid me for Yindi and the $200 I raised for IDOGS and gave to Kate Pappas mysteriously disappeared. I have emails from IDOG saying they have no record of it being passed onto them. Hmmmn.
This is the cruel post Kate Pappas published on the internet

cruel_kate_pappas_alias_harmonie_goldman.pdf |
Yes, I admit to being stupid and gullible to trust these people the way I did. I am blessed to still have the nucleus of RM bloodlines here in Australia as well as stored frozen semen, but nothing can soothe the pain in my heart from not knowing what has become of my beloved dogs and remembering the looks in their eyes as I kissed them for what I thought was only a couple of days' separation in Alvarado Texas, before I realized I would never see them again.
Smile !

Beverley Manners Jan 2010
Adversity brings with it a blessed awareness of wonderful friends and amazing support from unexpected sources.
Suffering brings with it the blessings of tolerance, more strength than you ever knew you could have, a better understanding of others and the choice to forgive. Without adversity our lives would be so much poorer.
God is GOOD, God is LOVE and life is PRECIOUS.
Hugs to You !